German standards in english translation translator resources. The german norm din 276 is entitled building costs. Folgende bereiche wurden geandert, aktualisiert oder erganzt. Kalkulation eines einfamilienhauses nach din 276 by philipp. Classification system for facility management information lccdata. Nachvollziehbare mengenberechnung mengenermittlung. Kostengruppen kg nach din 276 eur 100 summe 200 summe. Kostenberechnung nach din 276 apache openoffice templates.
Publisher german institute for standardisation deutsches institut fur normung. Translation memory software for any platform exclusive discount for users. Din 276 1 hyerarchical structure of the wbs system xx0 subgroups groups of constructin activities e. Cost estimation always must be synchronized with the design. Introduction the main goal of the project lccdata is to simplify the data access as well as storage possibilities to ease and extend the use of lcca in construction, and hence improve the decision process towards more sustainable buildings. Nr 0 planung ung funktion inhaltliche erganzung fur erlauterungsbericht 000 planungsbeteiligte 000 0200000 allgemeines 0200000 0300000 erschliessung 0300000. Kostengruppe teilbetrag brutto in euro gesamtbetrag brutto in euro 300 bauwerk baukonstruktion 310 baugrube 320 grundung 330 au. Ubung kostenermittlung din 276 kostenermittlung am projekt 8 14. Look up the german to english translation of din 276 in the pons online dictionary. Secure pdf files include digital rights management drm software. Cost calculation din 276 glossary calcon deutschland ag.
Din 276 konverter 2015 bauskript software commentstotallength kommentar kommentare. Of those the cost group 300 and cost group 400 can be summarized as socalled construction works costs. Classification system for facility management information. Nr 100 grundstuck 100 grundstuckswert 1200000 grundstucksnebenkosten 120 vermessungsgebuhren 1220000 gerichtsgebuhren 1230000 notariatsgebuhren 1240000 maklerprovisionen 1250000 grunderwerbssteuer. In order to read a secure pdf, you will need to install the fileopen plugin on your computer. It serves to standardize cost calculation of construction projects and also to determine remuneration for engineers and architects. Drm is included at the request of the publisher, as it helps them protect their by restricting file sharing. Kostengliederung ist ein im bauwesen einheitlich angewendetes nummernsystem in vier ebenen. Gliederung nachvollziehbare mengenberechnung berechnung bgf.
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